Saturday, July 25, 2009

Trail of Crumbs: First book!

Gail and I have decided: Trail of Crumbs by Kim Sunee is our first book!

This thanks to an endorsement from my friend Jane:

Finished a great book recently called Trail of Crumbs by Kim Sunee. Is in biography section of book stores. She was a 3year old child abandoned by her mother in Korea (along with a younger sister). Both were adopted by a couple from New Orleans and came here to live. Kim learns to be a good cook from her cajun grandfather, then after college has travels thru Europe (Sweden, France, Italy) where she continues to learn about cooking along the way. Really interesting. At the age of 23 she becomes the girlfriend of an older Frenchman (the founder of L'Occitane). She has been a judge on Top Chef in the past.


  1. I like how there's gonna be food in here, hee hee...! =)

    I went to my library yesterday, but they didn't have it! =( So I will have to find me a bookstore soon, so I can start too! ^_^

  2. Does your library do inter library loan? has it for really cheap - I think I saw 28 cents plus shipping & handling for used. And then you can pass it on and let others join the fun. :)

    Next time we'll choose a book in your library!

  3. 28 cents??? what? i'm looking online now. =) I've been behind on the reading side this past week, and mostly focusing on the church summer program things, heh heh...but I'll be catching up soon. =)
